
The Solomon Islands - Australia Partnership’s Strongim Bisnis is expanding its support for smallholder farmers in Guadalcanal Province by improving access to essential resources and services. By partnering with food processing companies, the program continues to open market opportunities.

Expanding Horticulture Initiatives to Enhance Smallholder Farmer Productivity and Market Access

In response to challenges in the Solomon Islands' coconut sector, Strongim Bisnis shifted its focus in 2023 from traditional products like virgin coconut oil to developing diverse value-added products. By investing in new product development, branding, and collaboration, the program aims to boost local and export markets, driving growth and innovation within the sector.

The Solomon Islands - Australia Partnership’s Strongim Bisnis is expanding its support for smallholder farmers in Guadalcanal Province by improving access to essential resources and services. By partnering with food processing companies, the program continues to open market opportunities.

Why Horticulture

The horticulture sector is vital for the Solomon Islands, supporting 80% of the population with both household consumption and income generation. Women, who make up 75% of the sector’s workforce, play a crucial role in this industry, which turns over $119 million SBD annually. 

Despite its significance, the sector faces challenges such as limited domestic market growth, inconsistent supply aggregation, and high post-harvest losses. Highlighting the opportunity to diversify crop varieties, enhance value-added products, and improve supply chain efficiencies.


Developing New Markets through Value Addition

  • Support setting up processing facilities for local and export markets by assisting partners Bulk Shop, Aelan Agro Fres (AAF), Kate Halukeni Ahukela Enterprise (KHA), and SAPE Farm.
  • Implement branding and marketing initiatives for partners to enhance product visibility and sales opportunities.

Enhanced Aggregation for Supply Consistency and Food Security

  • Improve food security by enhancing aggregation and procurement practices to boost the volume and quality of produce, and support farmers' relationships with food processing partners.
  • Address challenges such as quality assurance, volume consistency and high overhead costs by providing incentives like tractor tilling services and training.

Cross - Cutting Themes

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GEDSI):

  • Expand value-added processing within the horticulture sector by creating more employment opportunities and encourage greater participation from women and youth.

Public-Private Sector Collaboration:

  • Promote successful initiatives like SAPE Farm’s out-grower scheme with other enterprises and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL). Partnering with MAL will spread these successful practices to farmers and value-added processors through its support and extension networks.

Australian Business Collaboration:

  • Support enterprises such as SAPE Farm, KHA, and Bulk Shop in connecting with Australian marketing firms by enhancing branding and improve sales opportunities for Solomon Islands’ value-added root crops both domestically and internationally.

Impact Outcomes

  • Improved Market Conditions: Diversified produce and new selling methods, with enhanced access to technology, information, and services, increasing demand and supply.
  • Enhanced Value Chains: Better conditions and incentives for farmers through improved access to information, technology, and inputs.
  • Advanced Agricultural Practices: Adoption of improved technology, production methods, and post-harvest techniques, leading to better-quality horticulture products.
  • Increased Productivity: Higher productivity levels among horticulture farmers.
  • Job Creation: More employment opportunities in horticulture value chains for men, women, youth, and people with disabilities.
  • Higher Household Income: Increased net income for households due to improved market and production conditions.

Current partners

Strongim Bisnis will advance its efforts by collaborating with key partners to enhance the horticulture sector's growth. The program will continue to drive innovation in value addition, improve aggregation practices, and foster new market opportunities. 

The program has established partnerships with five food processors who produce products made from root crops (cassava, taro, and sweet potatoes) and bananas.

Bulk Shop, Aelan Agro Fres (AAF), Kate Halukeni Ahukela Enterprise (KHA), and Northwest Guadalcanal Development Association (NWGDA) and SAPE Farm.

Driving Growth in Horticulture: Strongim Bisnis and Bulk Shop's Collaborative Success

In 2023, Strongim Bisnis partnered with Bulk Shop and key agricultural stakeholders to elevate the horticulture sector in the Solomon Islands. This collaboration focused on enhancing value addition and streamlining supply chains, resulting in a notable increase in the variety and sales of locally sourced horticultural crops.

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Explore Our Programs

Tackling the nation’s trade and investment challenges, we work to provide solutions for businesses and investors in the coconut, cocoa, tourism, waste management, timber, financial services and horticulture industries, while empowering women, youth and people living with disability.